Girls & Womens Leather Ballerinas  Pink

(5 Colors)

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(5 Colors) (Size Size 24 / UK 7 Child - Size 41 / UK 7.5)

Size 24 / UK 7 Child
Size 41 / UK 7.5
Girls & Womens Leather Ballerinas



  • 10 /10

    Amazing Service and great quality!!.

    Joseph, Londonof 08/04/2023 - at 22:52
  • 10 /10

    Love the childrens shoes and bought a few over the last five years\nHowever as I have just had to return two pairs of shoes and obviously by Recorded Delivery to ensure arrival.\n\nAs you do not have a service of collection it would have been helpful to s.

    Angela, Bristolof 23/03/2021 - at 07:06
  • 10 /10

    Fast and flawless service. Great shoes quality and design. .

    Patrizia, Londonof 30/05/2018 - at 21:25

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